Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

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  • Welcome to my blog!

    Hi! I'm Traci. I'm a Registered Nurse who loves quilting, knitting, cross stitch, and the great outdoors. In my pre-scrubs life, I owned Real Photography, and you can still see my old wedding and portrait photography site here .

    I've created a map that shows links to our camping/hiking/general family fun review posts that you can find here. It's pretty much the coolest thing on this site. Thanks, Google!

    I great big puffy heart *love* comments, so please let me know you visited! I try to always reply!

Age Will was when he started to have opinions about what he’d like to wear: 5

Age Ellie was: 22 months

Amount Will cared about this opinion on a scale of 1-10: 3

Amount Ellie cared about this opinion on a scale of 1-10: 42

Yesterday I thought it was so cute because Will came into the office and announced that he wanted to get ‘handsome’ for going to the zoo.  This involved “I’m going to wear one shirt behind and then an even handsomer shirt in front and my Avatar baseball hat.” 

Ellie, on the other hand, brings me clothes about 10 times a day for her to try on.  This morning I got out an outfit and she insisted that I trade out the shirt for a different one.  Oh it starts so early with these girls.