family photographer | colorado springs | baby gavin

May 13, 2010

I can’t believe it’s been six months since I photographed baby Gavin’s birth!  Gavin is on the baby plan, so you can check out how he’s grown since his three month and newborn shoots!

With spring arriving in the Springs I knew I wanted to recreate this shot from his newborn shoot.  Ahhh–look at that time passing, seasons changing, babies growing…

When I arrived, Shawn said that Larissa was upstairs waking up Gavin.  When I walked down the hall I saw the same scene from his newborn shoot (this time with a kitty, too)!

They are planning an eventual move, so I wanted to be sure that we had some great shots of Gavin’s first home!

I completely love this shot!

Gavin LOVES being upside down. 

Again with the upside down!

I love little details like this.

That kid is a cutie!!  Can’t wait to see him at his next shoot!

Posted in Baby PhotographerFamily Photographer