Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

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    Hi! I'm Traci. I'm a Registered Nurse who loves quilting, knitting, cross stitch, and the great outdoors. In my pre-scrubs life, I owned Real Photography, and you can still see my old wedding and portrait photography site here .

    I've created a map that shows links to our camping/hiking/general family fun review posts that you can find here. It's pretty much the coolest thing on this site. Thanks, Google!

    I great big puffy heart *love* comments, so please let me know you visited! I try to always reply!

Took Ellie to Mass today for the first time in ages.  It did not result in an epic family meltdown the likes of which the world as previously seen (twice).  Success.

In other news, I couldn’t figure out why, every time Ellie gets access to a ball point pen, she always puts it in her mouth like a dog.  Until I caught myself helping her to the potty today with a pen in my mouth and realized THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I DO WITH A PEN EVERY TIME SHE INTERRUPTS ME IN A WRITING TASK.  Ooops.

When Will looks back on his childhood and remembers all the times I was cranky or short with him, the times I ‘mm-hmmed’ his stories or was “too busy” to play leggos…let him also remember that on the night when he lost his first tooth, I sprinkled tooth fairy glitter on his pillow…knowing full well what the cleanup would be in the morning.

poor child

Tonight I made popcorn.  But the pan I normally use was dirty and since I can barely stand up right now (thank you mystery illness) I used a different pot.  It didn’t turn out well.

Back on the sofa, Will says “what’s that smell?”  I say “popcorn, but I burned it.”

He disappears to go investigate.  Comes back chewing.  ”Why didn’t you bring it out to us?”

“Because I burnt it, baby.  I’m sorry.”

Crestfallen, Will whines “but I like burnt stuff.”

Which made me flash back to a few days ago, when I was making quesedillas for lunch.  I burnt the first one (having been dragged to the sofa by Ellie and enticed with ‘huggies’).  The burning smell had me back in the kitchen, making attempt number two.  At which point I started looking through the mail.

Will came into the kitchen.  ”Is my lunch ready, Mom?” 

“Sorry, buddy—I burnt the first one but I’m working on the second one.”  I go over to the pan, flip it.  “Oh man.  I burnt this one too.  I’m so sorry Will, I’ll make another one.”

“No!  I like the black part!  I like it crunchy!”

His future wife will likely thank me for setting Will’s culinary standards so incredibly low.

My current favorite Ellie phrase: “What you say Mom? What say?” (just like her brother says “what did you say?” all the time).  Although a close second is the way when she’s coming to find me she shouts “COMING! COMING MOM! COMING! COMING MOM!” as if I’d been calling her.

Age Will was when he started to have opinions about what he’d like to wear: 5

Age Ellie was: 22 months

Amount Will cared about this opinion on a scale of 1-10: 3

Amount Ellie cared about this opinion on a scale of 1-10: 42

Yesterday I thought it was so cute because Will came into the office and announced that he wanted to get ‘handsome’ for going to the zoo.  This involved “I’m going to wear one shirt behind and then an even handsomer shirt in front and my Avatar baseball hat.” 

Ellie, on the other hand, brings me clothes about 10 times a day for her to try on.  This morning I got out an outfit and she insisted that I trade out the shirt for a different one.  Oh it starts so early with these girls.

fact number 88 about ellie:  I wish I’d named her Mildred.  (a) maybe she’d be less of a pain in the ass and (b) everyone and their mom has a kid named Ellie now.  It’s lost all its vintage charm.  Millie, on the other hand, remains vintage and off the beaten path.