Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

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    Hi! I'm Traci. I'm a Registered Nurse who loves quilting, knitting, cross stitch, and the great outdoors. In my pre-scrubs life, I owned Real Photography, and you can still see my old wedding and portrait photography site here .

    I've created a map that shows links to our camping/hiking/general family fun review posts that you can find here. It's pretty much the coolest thing on this site. Thanks, Google!

    I great big puffy heart *love* comments, so please let me know you visited! I try to always reply!

sewing more pajama pants

I might have an addiction to sewing these fast pajama pants!  I already know the next two pairs I’m going to make him, which is stupid because last week he fell in love with fleece footie pajamas.  Last night I would have gotten these done even faster than 10 minutes, but I forgot about the directional fabric and one of the legs was upside down.  I follow the “it will never be noticed from a trotting horse” school of sewing.  If it isn’t something that would be noticed while trotting on by on horseback?  Let it go.  If it would?  Try again.  Upside down kids and snowmen?  Yeah–that’s noticeable.  Fabric is a 10 or 12 years old Alexander Henry print.  One more yard from my old stash bites the dust!

Susanne - Just sew some socks on those bad boys, he won’t know any better ; ) I wish I’d have know the temp applique trick last year!!! Um, No purple??? Clearly the people in the NW aren’t staying on top of the Husky’s gear!! ; )

woot!  this tumblr now (sort of) accepts comments!  Just use the little email icon to leave a note.  🙂  Thanks Brian!

I don’t know when we’d make that happen. We’re a cross between really busy and really lazy.


damn pottery barn catalog

Pottery Barn catalogs can be fun when you’re in the right frame of mind.  (The ‘I’m looking for cool color combos’ kind of frame of mind.)  But if you’re not fully Shields Up and you happen to open one unprepared, you’re in for a world of ‘why doesn’t MY house look like that?!” pain.

Will just had his first ‘disappointed that my life doesn’t look like Pottery Barn’ experience.  It’s kind of a right of passage.

I grabbed the mail on the way to pick up Will from preschool, and he saw the back page of the Pottery Barn Kids catalog (I would have dumped it [and its evil Pottery Barn Teen brother] straight into the garbage this week).  It’s the October issue, so of course the back page was all costumes and trick or treat accessories.

“I WANT TO SEE THAT BOOK!” (he calls catalogs books.  last Christmas he drug around his ‘kid stories’ for months.  he IS my child.) 

No sooner had his fingers opened the first page before I heard the gasp of joy.  Quickly followed by “I want to have this Halloween party!  And these Halloween plates and the Halloween chairs…”

I had to have the same conversation with him that I have with myself.  “I’m sorry honey—I want to have that Halloween party, too.  But it costs too many moneys.” 

He continued flipping pages.  Followed by more gasps.  “It’s a Batman room!  Like we saw at the store!”  and then “A STAR WARS ROOM!” 

Each time I had to agree that yes, it was the coolest thing ever, but no, we did not have the funds to create such awesomeness.  And then came the inevitable conclusion.

“Mommy?  How come all these things cost too many moneys?  How come these things are so ‘spensive?”

“It’s just an expensive book, honey.” 

And there you have it.  His first Pottery Barn Catalog Induced Depression experience.

But don’t put me to bed yet. I was just organizing a benefit for orphans.

Nic, parodying Will’s fantastic stall bedtime strategies.

But why don’t you want to play with me?

Will to the 6 year old neighbor who has been blowing him off lately.

My heart is broken.