seeing the light

Aug 01, 2007

Whew! I’ve been burning the candle at both ends since we got home Monday night in an attempt to get caught up…and I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Hurray! If there are any clients out there that are waiting to hear from me about something and don’t have an email in their inbox, shoot me a note, because I’m pretty sure I’ve got everyone covered!

Here’s another photo from Heather and Erik’s wedding:


Wedding ring photos are so much fun–there are thousands of creative ways to display them. I’d seen a pose similar to this before Heather and Erik’s wedding and wanted to try something similar, but it was Heather’s idea to use the phrase “take this ring.” I love it, because not only does it work perfectly for the photo, but Heather and Erik both memorized their vows for the ceremony, and even though they pulled it off perfectly, it’s cute to imagine them writing it on their hands to cheat.

Heather’s ring was their grandmother’s wedding ring. They took it into a jeweler to have it repaired, but the band ended up having to be completely recreated. The jeweler did an amazing job with the detail and it’s absolutely beautiful.

Posted in Wedding Photographer