Yesterday I was sitting waiting for my clients to arrive and a gaggle of pre-teen girls was discussing the fact that I was probably a photographer.

One of them said “Isn’t that a class we can take next year?”

And another said “Yeah, but it’s really expensive.”

And another: “Yeah.  You have to buy your own camera.  And it has to be a really really REALLY good camera. [pause]  Like a Nikon.”

Somewhere in a corner office a Canon marketing exec dropped over dead.

Posted in Photographer Tips


Be warned: there are some seriously adorable boys in this post! I was so excited that the weather held out for my shoot with Brittney and her family. I got some of my favorite ever family portraits at this shoot!  It’s really hard not to make this post 40 pictures long!

It thrills me to get a shot that I immediately want to paste my own family’s heads into:

family portrait photography colorado springs

Poor Ben arrived not quite ready for pictures and only ready for his mom’s lap.  I loved it.  If reminded me of my Will!

family portrait photographer

We switched settings and the boys took turns telling their mom jokes:

family portrait photographer colorado springs

A funny one that I love because it happens to me so often.  All part of being a mom!

family portrait photographer

Jack rolled up his jeans so he could get his feet in the water and I knew we needed some Huck Finn style shots!  I asked the boys to tell each other three things they liked about their brother and their answers were so cute.!  Jack was all “I like that you play with me” and Ben [the younger brother] had the hero worship “you are funny” “you are smart” “you are cool” answers.

child portrait boys photographer

family photographer colorado springs

Shifting back to 2008, I had the whole crew sit in the grass for some family chat time.

family portrait photography photographer

children portrait photographer

The boys love talking about football with their grandpa!

family portrait photographer colorado springs

family portrait photographer colorado

Ben is such a serious little guy–I love his quiet thoughtfulness!

child portrait photographer colorado springs

children portrait photographer

kids portrait photographer colorado springs

I got him to show me his clover treasures that he collected:


Jack has the most impressive knowledge of football!

child portrait photographer colorado springs

Some people use telephoto lenses to sneak up on birds and animals.  I use them to sneak up on boys!

child portrait photographer

There’s nothing cuter than two brothers on an adventure!

child photographer colorado springs

Thanks for a wonderful afternoon!  I hope you love the sneak peek!

Posted in Family Photographer


Kara and Drew found the most amazing spot for their ceremony. It’s not an official spot at all, just a little spot near one of the main roads through Gold Hill. They made an aisle out of stones, had some chairs for guests who would prefer to sit, and enjoyed an incredible view.

It’s a little early to expect snow on the mountains, but as luck would have it, it rained for two days prior to the wedding and it snowed in the mountains, so the vista included snow-capped mountains! By the afternoon the snow had all melted, so their 11am wedding couldn’t have been timed more perfectly. Everything about the weather cooperated beautifully–even turning partly cloudy in the afternoon so we could get a bit better light for a few bridal party shots we wanted to try!

Kara and her dad coming down the aisle. I love it when brides are so excited!

More cute excited-ness! When Will saw this picture he said “happy prin!” (Prin=princess in the Turchin home.)

Kara and Drew played rock-paper-scissors as a surprise to everyone to see who would say their vows first. Check out Ty’s face (Ty is their friend and served as the officiant and a groomsmen)!

Had to capture how blue the sky was!

And with a kiss, it’s official!

Did I mention that underneath her Vera Wang gown, Kara wore cowboy boots?! Hello, hotness!

Drew looked pretty good, too. (even though he didn’t have a Vera Wang dress or cowboy boots.) ;)

Kara and Drew had several different cake flavors–including this intriguing Coca Cola cake. I wanted to taste it. It sounded amazing. But I was a little worried about how little it was. What if everyone else wanted to try it, too? I discussed with Nic my dilemma: how badly I wanted to be professional versus how badly I wanted a piece of that cake. I wanted him to get a read on the crowd–see how many people were out-of-towners. The more out-of-towners present, the less horrible the fall-out to our business would be if I elbowed them out of the way and rushed the cake screaming “IT’S MINE!!!” As luck would have it, no one was injured and no one compromised their dignity or professionalism. There were enough pieces. I got one. And it was heaven. Best cake flavor ever. (I’m really into the wedding cake. It’s pretty much my favorite part of my job.) We need more behind the scenes shots of me greedily devouring a piece of cake and trying to will myself not to go back for more. I love cake. I can’t help it.

The following two images are so cute that if you’re a girl and your ovaries don’t ache just seeing these, I’d visit a doctor and make sure your ovaries are still there.

In this one, the kiddos are spying on the cakes and deciding which one they will go for (it was unanimous: chocolate [kids are so dumb!]).

I *LOVE* the three little heads watching Kara and Drew like hawks! CAKE TIME!!!! (Thanks Nicolas–another brilliant “only from a dad” photo!)

A giant thanks to the bridal party for sticking with us for this shot. It was a partly cloudy day, and we wanted overcast light for this shot. We waited until it looked like we’d have a good 5-10 minutes of cloud-cover, arranged the bridal party, and then BOOM, the clouds shifted and we had full on sun. So we had the bridal party remember their spots, go back to the reception, and come back when the lighting conditions were better. We’re so glad they were willing to run around to get it right!

Kara and Drew, it was such an honor to photograph your wedding day! We think you guys are awesome and wish you an amazing life together!


Behind the scenes…this is me with a camera instead of a face, standing in the middle of a field. That is pretty much me in a nutshell. ;) (I would like it noted that I wasn’t actually trying to bounce my flash off the atmosphere…it wasn’t turned on, it was just physically on my camera from the getting ready shots.)

I was sort of a slacker photographer and didn’t take any behind the scenes shots of Nic that day. BUT Kara and Drew’s flickr stream has some whoppers of us together! Check out my total all time favorite behind the scenes shot . I like Nic’s “my wife chooses the dumbest spots to stand” grimace! And this one as we decided how to work with the light and background. :) Or this one of me hiding in some bushes.

And remember the storyboard Kara was going to use for her guestbook? It turned out so well!

Posted in Wedding Photographer