colorado springs romantic engagement portrait

You might remember Cindy and John from our Real Couple of the Year wedding photography contest in February. They were our winners, and we are so happy for them!

outdoor engagement photo

Cindy and John are a fantastic couple, and we are so glad that we were able to squeeze their engagement shoot in last weekend (even as the weather conspired against us). Cindy just got back from her deployment, and John is about to leave on his deployment, so it wasn’t hard to catch the joy they feel being around each other!

colorado springs engagement portrait

(I think that might go down in history as my all-time favorite jump shot. John, you are my hero!)

colorado springs laughing portrait

I love this shot of Cindy looking at John:

colorado engagement portrait

Piggyback rides are good. But let’s not talk about what happened when John jumped on for a ride. That didn’t end quite so well. :P

colorado springs engagement portrait piggyback ride

And totally mandatory for me at each engagement shoot–a detail shot of snuggling with a little bit of hazy post-processing.

colorado springs couple portrait

Cindy and John, we are so excited for your wedding and look forward to photographing you again–thanks for being so fun to work with! With such a cute couple in such amazing places (the Air Force Academy Chapel and the Cliff House in Manitou Springs), we know the results will be incredible! We wish John luck and safety on his deployment!

Posted in Engagement Portrait Photographer


I got some crap yesterday for not having more pictures as promised of Bernadette and Haydn last week (it’s very busy around here, which is why Photoshop Friday and Photography Tip Tuesday are on hiatus).  But here are a couple more sneak peeks from their Manitou Springs engagement shoot.  (Pictures from my morning with two of my awesome brides and one fantastic purple dress to come…)

Haydn with the hula hoop he found and fell in love with:

And the shot Haydn and I were pretty sure we were going to get beat up for:

Posted in Engagement Portrait Photographer


I finally finished listening to last week’s episode of This American Life and when I finished it I had two urges: (1) to bury some money in the backyard and (2) to force everyone I know to listen to it.

The podcast is all about the economic downturn and why the mortgage crisis became a problem for everyone and not just sucky for the people going through foreclosures.

It’s hard when listening to the podcast not to think about the last time banks made risky investments. Of course, I don’t see any banks closing or any Hoovervilles popping up around town, so I’m going to trust NPR with their relatively optimistic outlook.

(To listen to the podcast, as I’m pretty much ordering you to do, follow this link and click on the “full episode” orange link on the left about halfway down the page.

And as promised, another photo from Bernadette and Haydn’s engagement portrait shoot in Manitou Springs, Colorado:

colorado wedding and engagement photography

Posted in Engagement Portrait PhotographerNews