I’ve been wanting to offer something like this for a while and am thrilled to have finally found a vendor I trust that has a fast turn-around: me.

This particular bracelet (“mother of pearl”) is made from freshwater pearls with a sterling silver toggle clasp and sterling silver two-sided frame. There is an opening at the top of the frame allowing you to change out the photos yourself.

I’ll be adding them to our shopping cart shortly and previous customers are welcome to order them using images from past sessions. If you’re nowhere near Colorado Springs but have a photo you’d like to use, you’ll also be able to order them. Bracelets are $50 plus tax and shipping.

photo jewelry bracelet

(The photo I picked for my bracelet is an old sentimental favorite–Nic and Will on Will’s very first day taken by me while I was still laying on the delivery table.)

Posted in CraftsNewsProducts


Photo Purse

Mar 18, 2008

I have been loving some of the photo purses I’ve seen in the world and decided to try sewing one myself. (When Nic heard the words “photo purse” he looked like he was going to throw up, and when I told my sister-in-law Heather about it, she said “like those things grandmas carry?” and even though it was over the phone, I’m pretty sure if I had been there she would have looked a little green, too.)

The answer is no. NOT like grandmas carry. Like awesome rockstar moms carry. (Or awesome rockstar grandmas.)

I finished it off on Monday and love it. I have plans and most of the fabric cut for a second that will hopefully find its way to completion this week. I wanted one purse that was fun/cute and one that was more vintage/elegant. I went with fun/cute first, because fun involved sock monkeys and I like sock monkey fabric very much.

photo purse

I’ve had the fabric for a long time, so I’m glad I finally broke it out and used it. If anyone is interested, I am happy to share specifics about the fabric/pattern/construction in a separate post.

The inside of the bag is lined with more sock monkeys and a little pocket:

photo purse inside

(It still needs to be ironed, so it’s a little loosey-goosey.)

Posted in Baby PhotographerCraftsProducts