
Nic was firing off some snapshots after dinner testing out he likes the 135mm focal length (hmmm…I wonder why he would be doing that…[cough–UPS man come soon–cough]) while I was giving Will his usual “Baby Needs Kisses” kisses. When going through the shots I couldn’t believe he caught this one–Will couldn’t have posed it better if he had tried!

I think it sums Will up perfectly–a little boy who loves kisses and is just the tiniest bit fancy. ;)

Posted in Toddler Photographer


favorites from denver

Feb 29, 2008


I love this latest storyboard for one of my favorite families (the black border is just for posting here on the interwebs). You may remember the little ones from Drew’s newborn session this past fall. He is now five months old and a complete doll. And Leia is the cutest big sister in the world. It’s hard to say who enjoyed blowing bubbles in Drew’s face more–Drew or Leia!

denver family portrait session 26 feb

My own doll baby suffered some misfortune while I was taking these pictures. He was at our neighbor’s house, and accidentally got his finger closed in the sliding glass door. It happened to be at just the right angle and just the right amount to amputate his fingertip (I’m not even being melodramatic–our discharge papers actually call it an “amputation”).

We had quite the lengthy ER wait, but he is on his way to recovery now–the specialist seems confident that it should grow back more or less on its own. He is very brave about it, and now that it is a little more protected in a splint I feel a lot better about his “I’m going to jump off furniture cause I’m doped up on pain killers and you feel too sorry for me to yell at me” antics. Were it not for the giant bandage you would never know the kid was injured!

Posted in Baby PhotographerFamily PhotographerToddler Photographer



Feb 19, 2008

toddler portrait

The little one will be two tomorrow. Hard to believe that he is two, but it is equally hard to believe that it has only been two years! This has been such a big year. One year ago, he wasn’t even walking, now he’s running and jumping and talking and potty trained (with a love of “hot” chocolate–hence the sippy cup).

I am pretty ridiculous about our home movies–I take them, ruthlessly edit them, and create little movies of our life. Today I discovered that the “2007 home movies” dvd I had spent a dozen hours making was missing an entire 90 minute tape of raw video. I was pretty bummed to have to go back and re-edit…but on the flip side, it was a tape from exactly a year ago. And what a difference a year makes!

Posted in Toddler Photographer