did you know that in colorado you can vote early…and at the mall?

Oct 21, 2008

I do!  Bernadette and I met today for a coffee/voting date.  The best part was definitely the sticker.  And the fact that we brought down the average age in the polling station by about 150 years.

outside early voting center 2008

Living in a swing state is fun.   It makes your vote feel all special and important.  Grab a friend and head to the mall for a voting/window shopping/coffee date!  Having someone to wait along with you makes it feel more like a party and less like a trip to the DMV.

(If you’re not sure if your state does early voting, you can be like me and learn about it last night while watching Chuck on hulu.com and then find your polling station here.  [Disclaimer: it’s an Obama site, but I couldn’t find an independent version that was as straight forward/quick to use.])

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