family photos

Dec 05, 2009

I should probably be shot for sharing these before the stacks of other “legitimate” photos I should be blogging, but I LOVE the holidays (I’m a little bit crazy about them) and I love my boys (same thing), so I feel compelled to share pictures from our wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Nic’s mom, sister, and brother-in-law were in town and my sister-in-law and I took Thanksgiving to new heights.  (As we pretty much always do.)  In fact, we were so awesome that we IMPROVED ON MARTHA.  Thanks to some inadequate recipe reading, we did some improvising on the green bean dish and ended up with something so yummy that I know it’s a new Turchin family tradition!


Recipe for “Martha’s Got Nothin’ on Traci and Heather” Green Beans

Boil green beans and strips of fennel until lightly cooked (the fun part of that will be figuring out what fennel looks like so you can buy it at the grocery store).  Put them in a casserole dish along with half of a pomegranate.  Top with crumbled goats cheese and my beloved traditional onion strings.

Willie enjoyed his sparkling apple cider.  He drank approximately half a bottle.  We spent most of the meal pouring more doses into the tiny celebratory glass I brought out for him. Next year I’m just going to stick a straw in the bottle.  :P


The day after Thanksgiving we made the annual visit to see Santa!  (A huge thanks to my brother-in-law Erik for snapping the shot on the right!!  And the shot on the left is his official Santa shot [shared with release from the mall Santa photo people of course]!)


The first Saturday after Thanksgiving we save for getting our tree at the Colorado Tree Farm (we love them and our trees are always fantastic).  We got the best tree ever and Will and I fought over MY new sock monkey hat!  (I went home and ordered him one of his own.)  :P


And then we headed home to decorate the tree and set up Nic’s old Lionel train set around the base!



Posted in Personal