first roll of film

Jul 06, 2013

Shortly before the Black Forest Fire began I’d decided to purchase a film camera.  Film has been seeing a resurgence in the last several years (with talented photographers like Jose Villa, Elizabeth Messina, and Jonathan Canlas inspiring digital photographers to dip their toes into the dark(room) side) and after years of being tempted, I finally made the plunge and ordered an F100 and several rolls of film.  When we got back, our impromptu celebratory “they saved our houses–we’re still neighbors!” barbeque seemed the perfect place to debut the toy that arrived during our evacuation.

The details:  Nikon F100 camera, 85mm f/1.4 D lens, Fuji 400H film, developed and scanned by Richard Photo Lab.  These are the straight scans I received–no color adjustments by me.


Posted in Film