happy 'ween!

Nov 02, 2008

I was getting caught up on my google reader backlog today and loved seeing everyone’s Halloween pictures.  Thought I would share a few of ours…even if it’s a few days late!  Will had a total blast trick-or-treating with his best friend and neighbor Ems (the cute scarecrow and his hug-buddy) and he also loved receiving trick-or-treaters once we’d finished our walk up and down our street.  He loved wishing everyone “Happy ‘Ween!”  (And I appreciate that he looks three years younger in his chicken suit!)

(For the shutter bugs out there, these were all taken with our 5d and 50mm f/1.4 [my usual “run around with the family on a holiday or birthday” lens] with natural light.  The after dark trick-or-treating shots were at 1600 ISO and f/1.4 at 1/50 second.)

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