missing disneyland | colorado springs wedding photographers

May 26, 2009

I’m taking a break from what will be a summer FULL of wedding posts to share a home movie.  (I know, you probably want to gag right now.)  :P  But Willie and I were missing Disneyland today so we finally got around to downloading our movies from the trip.  If you were following our twitter updates and were wondering just what could bring me to ride the Mad Hatter’s Teacups so many times (especially since I have never once been tempted to ride them before), this would be the reason.  (For those not fluent in Will-speak, Will is shouting “Daddy!  Daddy!  Daddy!  I’m spinning in a cup of tea!!”  

Will goes “spinning in a cup of tea” from Traci Turchin on Vimeo.

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