more new stuff…and a senior portrait, too

Aug 29, 2007

There’s a new sign-up button on the left side of the blog…this time for my currently-under-development monthly or semi annually or possibly one-hit-wonder newsletter.

And…another sneak peek at a Colorado Springs senior portrait!


You may or may not have noticed this about me, but I’m obsessed with The Laughing Shot. I feel like a failure if I come home without at least one great laughing photo…and luckily my seniors have almost always been game for a laugh! (Not that I’ll disclose what it is that they’re laughing about…or I should say, at.)

This is my second Laura of the season, and she not only gave me lots of opportunities for laughing photos…but as a cheerleader, she’s probably been my best qualified to do the jump (my second of three current obessions–laughing, jumping and sun flare). If you’re lucky, I’ll share a preview with you some day.

Posted in NewsSenior Portrait Photographer