the latest news | upcoming seattle openings | (and a little bit of bragging)

Feb 13, 2009

2009 Bride's Choice Awards presented by WeddingWire | Wedding Cakes, Wedding Venues, Wedding Photographers & More

I just got an email today that we have been awarded the 2009 Bride’s Choice Award by Wedding Wire!  A big thanks to our brides who made that happen!


In more bragging news, we were also accepted into the Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association last week.  If you’re familiar with WPJA, AGWPJA a subset group of WPJA that allows you more free reign in photoshop (my love of brightly saturated images disqualifies us from being in the original WPJA).


And to prevent this post from being entirely about tooting my own horn, I am really excited to announce that Willie and I will be in Seattle in April and I would love to shoot a portrait session or two while I’m there!

I have a couple of Seattle area location ideas that I would love to try out, so I am going to have special pricing on weekday Seattle shoots from April 6th-9th.  If you let me pick the location, the session fee will be waived!   (I have only one weekend opening–the price for that will be $500 and it includes a $375 print credit.)


Final piece of news:  Real Photograph will be closed and email responses slow until Thursday the 19th while I attend the big fun photography convention in Vegas.  It’s tough, but someone has to do it.  ;)  Pray for poor Nic who will be holding down the fort while I’m gone.


Posted in NewsWedding Photographer