a lightroom tip

Mar 29, 2008

(There are days when I want to make out with Scott Kelby for making my life better. This is one of those days. [I’m going to be really humiliated if he ever vanity-googles his name and discovers this post.])

I was reading his Lightroom book last night and read the following tip, which I am now compelled to share with the world:

When you are in the develop module and decide that you want to crop a photo, hit the “L” key twice after you select the crop tool. Now you can move the cropper edges around (and move your photo around underneath the crop area) and see exactly what it will look like when cropped because everything else will be totally dark.

I explain things terribly so I’m sure that makes no sense, but if you have Lightroom and have never tried this, you need to.

Right now.

You’ll want to make out with Scott Kelby, too.

Posted in Photoshop Tips