Even though I’m technically still on Christmas Vacation (we implemented a “no business from the 24th-28th rule” so that we could get into the holiday spirit–all calls and emails will be returned promptly Monday morning), I thought I’d share a few family shots from the last few days.

Like most women in America, come December I get the irresistible urge to bake.  I’m pretty sure it comes from the same place in our brains as baby fever.  It cannot be resisted.  I managed to fight it off until December 23rd, when that last photo had finally been proofed.

And then, having fought off the urge to make a simple batch of cookies for three weeks, the Baking Fever was so strong that I decided I simply must learn how to make bread.


It was a crazy whopping success.  Delicious bread, perfect texture, minimal mess.  I am hooked.  And Willie is too.  That kid LOVES a good slice of bread.

We gave ourselves an early Christmas present this year: Rock Band 2 for the Wii.  Will has been loving the Rock Band and Guitar Hero displays at Best Buy for months, and I couldn’t wait to bring him home his very own fake drum set.  Little did I know how much fun the game was going to be for me, too!  Here’s my little drummer boy:


Last weekend we made our annual trek up to Denver for a Santa picture.  Santa pictures are a major tradition in my family, and when we moved to Colorado Springs I was horrified to discover that when Santa visits any of the Colorado Springs malls, he never wears his traditional Santa suit–he wears a hideously tacky green turtleneck and can often be seen sporting CROCS.  Ummm…this is not acceptable where I come from.  These pictures will hang on a red velvet ribbon on my Nana’s wall next to the childhood Santa pictures of me, my sister, my cousin, my mom, my aunt, and even my dad.  These are heirloom pictures.  Red velvet jacket is a MUST.

Side note:  In previous years we’ve gone to the Aurora Mall and I’ve been really happy with the pictures.  This year we went to the Park Meadows Mall and even though it’s a nicer mall, I prefer the Aurora pictures.  Both malls let you take pictures of your own as long as you’re purchasing pictures, and both malls sell the digi files, and at both malls Santa wears a traditional red suit.  But Will’s picture at Park Meadows is a little out of focus, they add a hideous border to the digi files that swirls onto the photo itself [so in cropping it out you have to crop out a lot of the picture], and the Santa hut is really dark, which means you either need to use a flash for your pictures [I hadn’t brought mine] or crank the ISO way up and have a fast prime [I only had the 24-70 f/2.8 on me].

This year was the all important Third Christmas year.  On every red velvet ribbon strand at my Nana’s house, one picture always stands out.  And it is always from the Third Christmas.  The child is usually full on screaming, or, in my case, beaming a Satanic grin while being flanked on either side by my cousin and a random friend of hers that I insisted was necessary for my safety.

Will didn’t let me down.  That kid is so brave.  He was very excited to see Santa, but as we got closer to The Big Guy Himself, Willie’s nerves kicked in.


We took our family pic with Santa first, and then left Will with Santa for his solo shot.   And that was when things got adorable.  He was trying SO HARD not to cry.  His eyes got really big, his face really long, and he wanted so badly to hold it together.


Here’s a little storyboard of his attempts to hold back the panic…(another “x” on Park Meadow’s list: Santa’s straight-jacket-hold on the kids!)


I tried to spend some time doing product shots to share our latest mini albums, but, as you can see, it’s a job best left for the mornings when Will is at preschool…


Christmas was a whopping success.  It included not one, but TWO fresh loaves of bread.  The first, a sweet bread for breakfast (recipe stolen from my brother-in-law):


And a ridiculous number of presents for Will.  You know it’s going to be a good morning when the entire cast of the Backyardigans greets you from the sofa…



An easel for our artist…


And a camera so he can start his training.  ;)  (And yes, Nic humors me and wears Hanna Andersson Christmas pajamas every year so the whole family can coordinate.)



I was worried about getting our  annual “family in Christmas pajamas” picture, because getting a 2 year old to look at an unmanned camera while there are a zillion new toys that are way more interesting is not the easiest thing in the world!  Add the self-timer aspect onto that and you’re definitely rolling the dice on a potential family meltdown situation.  This was the best of six tries.  I call it good enough!  :)


We hope everyone had an equally wonderful Christmas!  We will be easing back into business-as-usual starting next week and will start 2009 off with a bang on Saturday with Lauren and Andy’s wedding!

Posted in Personal


happy 'ween!

Nov 02, 2008

I was getting caught up on my google reader backlog today and loved seeing everyone’s Halloween pictures.  Thought I would share a few of ours…even if it’s a few days late!  Will had a total blast trick-or-treating with his best friend and neighbor Ems (the cute scarecrow and his hug-buddy) and he also loved receiving trick-or-treaters once we’d finished our walk up and down our street.  He loved wishing everyone “Happy ‘Ween!”  (And I appreciate that he looks three years younger in his chicken suit!)

(For the shutter bugs out there, these were all taken with our 5d and 50mm f/1.4 [my usual “run around with the family on a holiday or birthday” lens] with natural light.  The after dark trick-or-treating shots were at 1600 ISO and f/1.4 at 1/50 second.)

Posted in Personal


nic's birthday

Nov 01, 2008

To celebrate Nic’s birthday Monday we went for a hike.  I got so many shots that I totally adore.  I thought I’d share just a few…

Starting down the trail the first time.  (Someone about 3 and a half feet tall started chanting poo-poo potty about 1/3 of the way up, so we had to run back down, get in the car, find a coffee shop with a bathroom…and then try again.)

The birthday boy and his biggest fan at the top:

Nic took his turn behind the camera and got some new favorites of me and The B.

Nobody gives kisses quite like Will!

The highlight of our break at the top was the Norwegian coffee cake that my Nana sent for Nic’s birthday.  She sends them for all of our birthdays (I can’t get the recipe to work at 7000ft).

I’m not the only one who adores this cake.  It is one of Will’s favorite things and has been since he first tasted it when he turned one!  Nana knew that poor Nic doesn’t really stand a chance when it comes to a treat that both Will and I love, so she sent them with clear intentions for Nic to have a cake all to himself.  Will thought it was all wrong.  I had given him what Nic called a “crazy big piece for a two year old” but when Will saw the whole cake Nic had, he grabbed it out of his hand and swapped it.

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