my name is traci and i'm a lightroom virgin

Mar 05, 2008

Lightroom is the latest thing in the photography software world.  And by latest, I mean, it’s a year old.  (It recently celebrated it’s one year anniversary, which basically means the world is waiting with baited breath for Lightroom 2.0.)

I am the last photographer on earth to adopt it.  I have downloaded the trial version no less than four times.  Each time I open it up, and the idea of importing all of my pictures into lightroom is enough to make me close it, forget about it, and then re-download the trial the next time I hear raves about it.

This time (trial number four) I’m determined to give it a decent try. Actually import some photos into it and see how things go.   I’ll report back on my findings.  But feel free to roll your eyes at the thought that Trial Number Four is going to be The Time I Actually Try It.

Posted in Photographer TipsPhotoshop Tips